NAP Example

In December 2008 the European Commission released an Action Plan for the implementation of ITS  in Europe. Concerning this aim there are six priority actions defined. They consider concrete action with defined time table. On 7th July 2010 the ITS Directive resolved which describes a guideline to interact ITS and other transport interfaces.

The National Access Point is an international intermediary platform and it is part of EU ITS Directive 2010/40/EU specification. One of the main functions is providing information about existing traffic relevant data to every interested person or company. A detailed and standardized dataset description is needed to create a searchable, easy manageable and a high quality list.

The future NAP services for which ITS architecture will be used are created from FRAME which is extended from the actual NAP (National Access Point) example. The ITS architecture of this service must reflect the way that these services are currently being delivered in several EU Member States.  They will also be used to validate the new FRAME methodology before it is applied to the remaining priority areas in the ITS Directive.

Of particular interest from an architectural point of view is the fact that the various NAPs currently in existence at first sight seem to be providing their services using quite different technical solutions.

The first ITS priority area, were the new FRAME NEXT approach has been used is completed now is the NAP - National Access Point for traffic data.

The respective ITS Architecture model is for download available.