eCall is an in-vehicle road safety system which automatically calls the emergency services in case of a serious accident, even if the driver and passengers are unconscious. eCalls can also be made manually by car occupants. As a call is initiated, the system automatically dials the pan European 112 emergency voice call number and calls the relevant Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). A Minimum Set of Data (MSD) is transmitted as part of the call. This data contains the exact geographic location of the vehicle, the direction of travel, the triggering mode (automatic or manual), the Vehicle Identification Number and other information to enable the emergency response teams to quickly locate and provide medical and other life-saving assistance to the accident victims.
The Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 305/2013 of Nov. 26th, 2012 is reflecting the need for action on pan-European and national level to implement the harmonised provision for an interoperable EU-wide eCall. To strengthen and of course enhance the introduction of eCall in member states since the implementation became mandatory. Therefore the setup and operation of national PSAPs is a must. Since the implementation deadline (1.10.2017) four countries (LUX, SLO, CZE, and AUT) are "eCall-ready" and can receive and process eCalls in real mode in their PSAPĀ“s.
Like the NAP in Europe, eCall is being implemented in a broadly similar manner across the Member States. For this the ITS architectures must reflect the way that this service are currently being implemented in several EU Member States and will be used to validate the new FRAME methodology.